Host Case Study
Ashlyn – Beckenham
Time Hosting
3 Years
Home Size
3 years
Groups Hosted
What prompted you to begin hosting?
When I had a change in pace of life, someone suggested to try hosting. I had always been a workaholic working long hours and was worried that until I had found my feet with my new life I would be bored. Hosting was a good stepping stone but for me it became a permanent fixture and slotted nicely into my life.
What is it that has inspired you to continue hosting for this many years?
I don’t have children of my own and really enjoy the students energy and chat. I like the fact that they are here part of the week and I’m free the rest so I can get on with other stuff.
What advice do you have for someone who is considering hosting?
For anyone who is considering hosting I would say just try it, you just might surprise yourself, I have!
What were your concerns before you started hosting?
I didn’t really have any concerns
How do you prepare to make sure guests have a great arrival experience?
I like to think that the house is a friendly, clean, fresh and an inviting place for them to stay while in London. Once they’ve settled into their room we take time to sit so that they can introduce themselves and tell me a bit about their lives, hobbies, family and pets etc and I let them know the house rules.
What’s your favourite thing about being a host?
My favourite thing about hosting is the students, meeting different personalities and getting a snapshot into their lives........My dogs favourite thing is he gets a lovely walk and swim early on in the park near the drop off point.
What’s been your proudest moment as a host?
The first time I got a call from a parent after they returned home to thank me for looking after their child I felt my efforts were appreciated.
What’s been the most surprising thing about hosting?
I have surprised myself that I am still hosting. In the beginning I just thought ‘why not! I’ll give it a try’. I didn’t think of it as long term, more of a stepping stone, but I really enjoy it and its nice to think they have enjoyed their stay with you and you have made a small contribution to their overall experience.
Has hosting changed your lifestyle?
I guess so, but when I started I was at the beginning of a lifestyle change anyway so it wasn’t a big deal.
Would you recommend hosting for Cultural Connection and why?
I would definitely recommend trying Cultural Connection as it is a nice family run company, who’s professionalism and support makes the job easy for us to host.
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Yes I would recommend hosting for Cultural Connection because it’s well organised and the team are very friendly. And it’s also flexible which means you can host whenever suits you.